Past Work

The following are examples of completed projects outlining some of our capabilities.

DWSD South West Drinking water treatment plant

Renovation of the DWSD South West Drinking water treatment plant. The project consisted of installing an automated sludge removal system to maintain clean the four flocculation/sedimentation basins (approximately 750 feet long by 600 feet wide by 20 feet deep). National’s scope included the removal of the sludge as a slurry by use of hydraulic pumps and temporary piping system, injection of suitable polymer to separate solids and filter presses during phase I as well as the use of Geobags during Phase II. Construction of an approximately four acre containment system and finally the loading and transportation of approximately 20,000 tons of sludge for landfill disposal.

Steel Facility Concrete Stack

A 250 foot concrete stack at a steel facility with Asbestos Coating Material.National was responsible for operating the stage platform and erecting the containment in accordance with NESHAP and OSHA regulations for the proper removal and disposal of the Asbestos Coating.

GM Guide Plant – Anderson, Indiana

Working closely with the owner and the demolition contractor, NEG successfully completed the removal, packaging and disposal of asbestos containing materials and universal waste removal. We were also responsible for the decommissioning of equipment and cleaning of pits and trenches as well as the removal, packaging and disposal by incineration of PCB electrical transformers. NEG ‘s activities were performed in accordance with our pre-approved work plans, which were submitted to the owner’s environmental representatives, as wells as in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal rules and regulations.

JEEP Toledo Plant – Toledo, OHIO

Completed the abatement and disposal of the asbestos containing material from the facility. One of the challenges included the asbestos material discovered in the old historic original boilers and associated stacks.

Ford Motor Company

Asbestos Abatement and Disposal. NEG was retained to complete the removal of the ACM and manage the disposal, following the relief of another environmental contractor. The project included several issues and challenges that were successfully overcome by planning and coordination with the various parties involved with the project.

Severstal / Ford Rouge Plant – Dearborn, Michigan

National worked closely with the owner and the demolition contractor to perform a due diligence survey to identify hazardous material prior to the demolition for compliance with regulatory guidelines. Although abandoned for many years, removal of safely accessible material was accomplished prior to demolition, while removal of material deemed unsafe to access was accomplished with the demolition operation with coordination and approval of the state agencies.